Create and deploy your first app in the Hiro Platform.
In this quickstart guide, you will create a simple fundraising app using one of the app templates available. This app features a single page that displays a fundraising campaign, and functionality that handles campaign contributions, refunds, and withdrawal by the fundraiser.
If you do not have any existing projects, you will be prompted to create one on the projects page. Click the "Add a project" button to get started.
If you already have projects, you can find the "Add a project" button at the top right of the page.
From here, you have the option to choose from a set of templates or import an existing project from your GitHub account. For this quickstart, select the "Fundraising App" template, which is a starter project that comes equipped with both a frontend and smart contracts.
To see a list of your repositories and import an existing project, you will first need to authorize with GitHub.
Once you have selected your project, you will be presented with the full set of details for the project. From here, you can clone the project to your GitHub account by clicking the "Clone" button.
You will need to authorize with Github before being able to clone the project.
Once the project is ready and available in your GitHub account, you will see instructions on how to clone the project to your local machine or develop in the browser via Github Codespaces.